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Holy Cross Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Hazaribag

About the Host Institute

Holy Cross Institute, Hazaribag is owned and managed by an International Catholic Women’s Religious Congregation, “Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross” Ingenbohl Switzerland, which was founded in Switzerland in 1856 by a young dynamic visionary – Fr. Theodosius Florentini OFM Cap, who said often “The need of the time is the will of God.” later it became the motto of the congregation. He was titled by the Swiss Government as teacher of the youth and a great philanthropist. Mother Maria Theresa Scherer, the Co-Founderess was a daring woman who had a charismatic service personality to care for the poor and work for the progress of the society. She is known as the “Mother of the poor”. The motto of the congregation is “Need of the time is the will of God”. The Institute has at present 987 establishments in 17 countries of the world.

The Holy Cross Sisters has been serving the citizens of India since 1894 in building up of the society. The areas of its services are: Social welfare, Social development, Agricultural Research & Extension, Hospitals and Health care centers, Empowerment of women, HIV AIDs center, Anti Human Trafficking Centers, De-adiction Center, Education at different levels etc. and wherever the human need calls for.

Holy Cross Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Hazaribag “A Extension Project of ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research)”, New Delhi was established in the year 1985 in collaboration with Registered Society Holy Cross Institute Hazaribag. Holy Cross Krishi Vigyan Kendra is a grass root level Vocational Training Institution designed to bridge the gap between the available technologies and facilities at one end and their application for increased production on the other.

About Us

Holy Cross Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Hazaribag “A Extension Project of ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research)”, New Delhi was established in the year 1985 in collaboration with Registered Society Holy Cross Institute Hazaribag. Holy Cross Krishi Vigyan Kendra is a grass root level Vocational Training Institution designed to bridge the gap between the available technologies and facilities at one end and their application for increased production on the other.

Holy Cross Krishi Vigyan Kendra is located in the North East of Hazaribag town, at the foot of Canary Hill about 5 km. outside the town. The operational area of Krishi Vigyan Kendra is Hazaribag district which comprises of 16 blocks. The KVK promotes as well as co-ordinates the agricultural and allied activities in the farming communities, with a view to bring development among the underprivileged section in a systematic, self generating and sustainable manner.

The KVK conducts vocational training for Practicing Farmers, Rural Youths and Extension Functionaries. It also conducts Frontline Demonstrations on cereals, oilseeds, pulses, vegetables, farm implements, nutritional garden, livestock and adaptive trials both at KVK farm and in farmer’s field. It also organizes / promotes other extension activities like field days, agricultural exhibitions, flower shows, farmers fair, women in agricultural day, ex-trainees meet, farmer’s meet, diagnostic services, advisory / enquiry services, video / film shows, animal health services, vaccination camps, radio talks, farmers organizations like farmers clubs, International Soil Health Day, Soil Health camp, Self Help Groups for women farmers & others are also supported and monitored by KVK.

In order to conduct the various trainings, demonstrations, adaptive trials and other extension activities KVK functions in close collaboration with Govt. agencies, Line Departments, Training and Research Institutes / Stations, NABARD, Banks, Public Sector Agencies and NGO's. Apart from Hazaribag district Vocational Trainings are imparted to the farmers and rural youths of neighboring districts as well. All the activities of the KVK are designed / based on mandates prescribed by ICAR for the functioning of KVKs.

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Director's Message

Director Message

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Meet the Scientists

सफलतम कहानी

सिलाई -ंउच; जीविकोपार्जन का सा/ान

हॉली क्रॉस कृ”ा विज्ञान केन्द्र की Ûृह विज्ञान वि”ा; वस्तु वि’ो”ाज्ञ के सम्पर्क ने रीना देवी के जीवन में ,क न;ा मोड$ ले आ;ा। आज रीना देवी ,क सफल महिला के :प में उभर कर आ रही है) क्;ोंकि वह अपने जीवन में ही नहीं) अपितु अपने विकलांÛ पति श्री प्रभाकर के जीवन में भी अहम भूमिका निभा;ी। उन्होंने अपने पति के दे(ाभाल का बीड$ा भी अपने उपर ले लि;ा।

श्रीमती रीना मेहता) Ûॉंव -ंउच; चम्पाडीह) पोस्ट -ंउच; सूरजपूरा) पदमा) जिला -ंउच; हजारीबाÛ ने 2006 में बी- ,- की प-सज;$ाई समाप्त की। तद्प’चात सन् 2007 में उनका विवाह श्री प्रभाकर कुमार सिंह) दीपूÛ-सज;$ा से हुई जिनका ,क छोटा डे;री फार्म था। ‘ादी के तुरन्त बाद ही रीना के पति ने आकस्मिक दु?ार्टना में अपना दाहिना हाथ Ûंवा बैठा। इतना ही नहीं प्रभाकर के माता-ंउच;पिता ने उन्हें आर्थिक सहा;ता देना छोड$ दि;ा। इस आर्थिक तंÛी में उन्होंने 2007 में ब्लाउज बनाना प्रारंभ कि;ा। लेकिन इससे उनका Ûुजर-ंउच;बसर बहुत ही मु’कल से होता था। अतþ

डींंअपत च्तेंंक - ।चतवहतमेपअम िंतउमत

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a massage or you can visit us at our office.

  • Call us : 06546 – 265229, 263083, +91 9431395181
    Fax : 06546 – 265229, 263083

  • Office : Krishi Vigyan Kendra
    Near Kanary Hill Road,
    Hazaribag - 825 301, (Jharkhand) India

  • Information : kvkhazaribag@gmail.com, holycrosskvk@gmail.com

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